Editorial Guidelines (Keep updating)

The History Connect has three publishing avenues for now:

  • The Research Note(Topics) will be a place to share stories and insights, in your own research fields, reaching a general audience
  • The Review will be a place to introduce and criticize books, conferences, archives, websites, etc. 
  • The blog is a place to bridge current issues to historical research.

What’s the process? (working with only two pages) 

  • Submit your writing using the Submission Form on the header part. When we submit writings through the form, they will be stored in the “editor only” page on the footer part.
  • Only administrators and editors can see the page because it is protected by a password. (hkuhist) <—- remember this!!! 
  • After reviewing the process directed by the editor in chief, the writings will be published. You don’t need to visit the dashboard. The two pages can handle all posts.


We can be an editor, a second-highest rank who can edit, revise and publish the posts and control other stuff on the website. Once you make your own ID (register page), I will modify your rank. Each member has his or her profile page like this, including biography, a post list, and a comment list. Your picture and biography will be a byline of your writing like this


For Video upload: Use Vimeo or Youtube and make a link to the site.